
Distributor Application

Please note that our minimum stocking order for Wysiwash distributors is $12,000. Other additional purchasing volumes will apply.

For INTERNATIONAL distributor requests, please email with the subject line: International Distributor Request and the country you are inquiring about.

Distributor Application


Business Name


Phone Number

Billing Address

Shipping Address

How long have you been in business?

Who is your PRIMARY customer base?

Select One
Animal Care
Artificial Turf
Food & Beverage (including restaurants, factories, and breweries)
Janitorial Departments
Medical Care Providers (hospitals, doctors, dentists, etc.)
Pool & Spa

Who are your secondary customer bases? (Select all that apply or leave empty if not applicable)

What product lines are you interested in selling?

How do you primarily sell your current products?

If you selected other, please explain how you primarily sell your products.

Where do you currently store the products that you sell? (Please keep in mind that all our products must be kept in a temperature controlled environment and CAN NOT be stored outdoors or in garages)

If you selected other, please explain where you currently store the products that you sell.

Is there anything else you'd like to share about your business that you think is relevant to your application?

Toll Free: (866) 627-6284
(850) 325-6284
(850) 325-6285


Mail all correspondence to:

2090 S. Nova Rd Unit B203
South Daytona, FL 32119